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2023 kicks off with January Guest Poet, Joseph R Mason


What an eclectic and moving repertoire from Mr Mason: Drama teacher's boobs, vegan vicars, Dylan Thomas and Emily Bronte. There really was something for everyone. Joseph hushed the very appreciative audience with tender tributes to family with 'Angel mine' . The evening was a wonderful event with a rollercoaster of emotions laid out for all to share Tears and laughter in abundance.

Some highlights from our open micers reminded us of the passing of 2022 with Christmas Dec Blues from Nikki and Sylvie's 'Niggly with the uncertainty of the new year'. A musical turn from Alvin, An amazingly authentic and brilliantly clever 'Not the Shipping Forecast' from Mark D. Too many to list, but as ever, the quality of poetry was top notch, led by Joseph R Mason who has our thanks for treating us to a great set.


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